
摘要: 原名阎桂青、阎晓光。生于山东莱阳。开国五大青年诗人之一、中国当代著名书画家。已出版个人文学专著30余部,绘画作品在国际上极受欢迎。


严阵,原名阎桂青、阎晓光。生于山东莱阳。1950年在安徽参加土改期间,第一次以“严阵”的笔名在《皖北文艺》上发表了两首诗:《张二嫂分田》、《“拖不动”换工》。1953年调至安徽省文联任《安徽文艺》编辑。同年加入中国共产党。1954年在《人民文学》上发表长诗《老张的手》受到文艺界的注意和读者的好评。诗作通过一个农民的手,展示了新旧生活的鲜明对照,语言生动,感情真挚。不久出版了他的第一本诗集《淮河上的姑娘》。迄今出版了20部诗集。 除写诗以外,还从事中长篇小说和抒情散文的创作。已出版两部长篇小说,一部散文集,一部中篇小说选集。他的作品笔调清新,抒情性强,具有鲜明的特色。其中长篇小说《荒漠奇踪》曾获全国优秀少年儿童读物奖、中国作协全国儿童文学奖。 现任中国散文诗学会副会长,《诗歌报》总编辑。

Yan Zhen, formerly known as Yan Guiqing and Yan Xiaoguang. Born in Laiyang, Shandong. During the land reform in Anhui in 1950, for the first time, he published two poems under the pen name of "Shenzhen" in "Northern Anhui Literature and Art": "Zhang Ersao Separate Fields" and "" Dragging Cannot Move "Labor" In 1953, he was transferred to Anhui Provincial Federation of Literature and Art as editor of "Anhui Literature and Art". Joined the Communist Party in the same year. In 1954, the long poem "Lao Zhang's Hand" was published in "People's Literature", which received the attention of the literary and artistic circles and the praise of readers. The poem shows the vivid contrast between old and new life through a farmer's hand, with vivid language and sincere feelings. Soon he published his first collection of poems "Girls on the Huaihe River". So far, 20 poetry collections have been published. In addition to writing poems, he is also engaged in the creation of novels and lyrical prose. Has published two novels, a collection of essays, and an anthology of novella. His works are fresh in tone, lyrical and have distinctive features. Among them, the novel "The Wonderful Desert" has won the National Excellent Children's Reading Award and the National Children's Literature Award of the Chinese Writers Association. He is currently the vice president of the Chinese Prose Poetry Society and the editor-in-chief of the Poetry News.
