
摘要: 1942年生、诗人、书画家。积极参与捐建将军希望小学等公益活动,被联合国电视中文台授予“和平使者”称号。“无声伴侣诗书画,有味人生真善美”的座右铭,在当今将军和社会各界颇具影响。

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祁荣祥,河南省邓州市人,海军少将,现定居北京。喜欢诗歌,出版诗集《一路有你》、《东方之子》(专号)等,曾在中华世纪坛剧场举办专场诗诵会《月舞诗魂》,受到读者和观众的好评。他 喜欢涂鸦,多次参加军内外书画展,其作品在《书法艺术》、《书法名家》、《时代人物》、《世界华人书画艺术》、《老家河南》等多家报刊发表,并被收集在《将军墨宝集》、《红星闪耀》、《情系沂蒙》、《共和国将军和谐书画集》等20余本书画集中,有的被多家博物馆、纪念馆和海内外名人和爱好者收藏;为电视剧《追逃》、《幸福的完美》题写片名;积极参加捐建将军希望小学等公益活动,获得联合国电视中文台授予的“和平使者”称号。他以“无声伴侣真善美,有味人生诗书画”为座右铭。

Qi Rongxiang, a native of Dengzhou City, Henan Province, a major general, is now settled in Beijing. He likes poetry and published poem collections "You Are on the Road", "Son of the East" (special number), etc., and once held a special poem recitation "Moon Dance Poetry Soul" in the China Century Altar Theatre, which was well received by readers and audiences. He likes graffiti and has participated in many painting and calligraphy exhibitions both inside and outside the army. His works have been published in "Calligraphy Art", "Calligraphy Masters", "Characters of the Times", "World Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art", "Hometown Henan" and other newspapers and collected In more than 20 book collections such as "General Mobi Collection", "Red Star Shining", "Love in Yimeng", "Republic General Harmony Painting and Calligraphy Collection", some are collected by many museums, memorials and celebrities and fans at home and abroad; The titles of the TV series "Chasing Escape" and "The Perfection of Happiness"; actively participated in charitable activities such as donating the General Hope Primary School, and won the title of "Peace Messenger" awarded by the United Nations Television Chinese Channel. He has the motto of "silent companions are true, kind, and tasteful, poetry, calligraphy and painting".
