Su Yi丨Floating clouds(Eight poems)

Hong Jiancai (Derek Hung)     2020-07-06
摘要: Hong Jiancai (Derek Hung),pen name Dalixiong and Suyi,Vice Chairman of The League of Hong Kong Poets and Deputy Editor of Hong Kong Poet.


Floating clouds


Clouds float in the sky

As I wanna freely fly

The sky is blue and clear

That in my heart no fear

Chang'e's Cake


I'm homesick on that mid-autumn night.

The goddess Chang'e is in sight.

She flew and lingered by the lake,

Wishpered and gave me a cake.

I know she'll go away soon,

'cause her home is in the moon.

But where is my mooncake?

I've no idea till I'm fully awake.

Ode to Teacher


A small small chalk

Recorded your lifelong teaching

A long long blackboard

Contained your countless  blessing


In crowded classrooms

Echoed your wonderful words


In beautiful campus

Left your numerous footprints



Passion burned out year by year

Youth flowed away minute by minute



you are too old to walk


you are too weak to talk


Life is always full of uncertainty

But we can find the way certainly


Oh my dear teacher

You're my real benefactor

I thank you more than I can say


Oh my dear teacher

You're such a stalwart man

I bless you heartly day after day




Flocks of seagulls in the sky

Clouds are your wings

Spirit is so high



One phone at hand,

You can't survive without it.

One screen in sight,

You see no one else with it.



Everyone can wear,

But not everyone can wear well,


You can

Please here and there.




While brushing past each other

Appears again

While looking back in a glimpse




Tears blend with dust in rainless Ching Ming Festival

Where are they

In pureland, a place makes a spring so wonderful


Hong Jiancai (Derek Hung),pen name Dalixiong and Suyi,Vice Chairman of The League of Hong Kong Poets and Deputy Editor of Hong Kong Poet, a logophile and a vegetarian, are fond of Chinese traditional culture and writing children's poem , ancient poem and bilingual poem.

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